Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fabric Refresher

I have 2 dogs... 3 children...and a husband. I have more than one use for fabric refreshers! Needless to say, I could go through a boat load of this stuff, however at $4-$5 a bottle, it gets really pricey...Even when using generic brands your are looking at $3 a bottle...Now you can make it at home for pennies a bottle. If you use 1 bottle a month (which I use more than that), you could save over $55 a yr JUST on this!!!!!

Ok...super simple...

All you need is:

a cap full of your favorite fabric softener

an old fabric refresher bottle (it sprays a finer mist than the average spray bottle)


Put one cap full of fabric softener into your empty spray bottle, then fill with water. Shake up and your ready to use!

Now your curtains, couches, rugs, bedding and more can smell fresh and clean at a fraction of the cost!