Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Like Oxi-Clean? Do it homemade!

Ok, I LOVE OxiClean, but I'm not a fan of the price... and if your like me, you know that Oxi-Clean can be used for EVERYTHING from carpets, to furniture, to laundry, which means it goes fast! :-) SO why not make it at home, and save a ton of money while your helping out the earth by "going green" (for those that know me, this isn't my biggest concern, but the saving money is!!! lol).

Here is all you need:

1 cup of hydrogen peroxide
2 TBS of WASHING SODA (not baking soda)
a spray bottle
4 oz of white vinegar (optional, but is great for removing smells)

Mix together in your spray bottle and clean away!!! So easy and so effective...if anyone would like to share the science behind it, go right ahead... I just know that it safely removes stains without bleaching out most fabrics (please color fast check in a small area first).