Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coffee House Coffee Drink

I love nothing more than to sit at a coffee shop and enjoy a nice quiet cup of creamy mocha, however, at $3 or more per cup this price really adds up. And to be honest, I am home sick today and I am missing my coffee date with friends, so I needed something in its place.

1/4 cup coffee grounds
2 1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp almond extract or vanilla extract, which ever flavor you prefer
2 tablespoons sugar ( I use organic sugar)

1 bar of dark chocolate
1 cup of skim milk (if you are all about flavor and not calories, you can go for half and half)

First, get your coffee going, but before you do, put sugar and extract in the empty pot!

Now, put your chocolate and milk in a mircowave safe bowl and heat on med until chocolate is incorporated. Stir every 45 secs.

Once your coffee is brewed and your chocolate is melted and incorporated, add your milk mixture to the coffee. Stir and enjoy! You can add a dollop of whipped cream if you'd like to make it fancy! :-)
