Thursday, August 26, 2010

Uncrustable Like Sandwiches!

These are great! My daughter is in LOVE with Uncrustables, and I have purchased them for a long time. I have even bought the Sam's Club brand to save money. However, recently I started to experiment and ended up with the PERFECT substitutes for these handy lunch favorites!

2 pieces of your favorite sandwich bread!
Peanut Butter
Your fav jelly or jam
a small circle food storage container or 3 inch biscuit cutter if you have one. ( I didn't, so I used a storage container, it worked great!)
Butter knife for spreading
Fork for crimping

Put a good amount of peanut butter in a 2 3/4 inch circle in the center of the bread (dont measure, just guess, hold up your cutter and do just smaller than that), do that to both pieces, place the jelly or jam in the center of the peanut butter, dont use too much, you dont want it to leak out! Place your pieces of bread together and use your food storage container or biscuit cutter to cut out your circle! Now that you have a crustless sandwich, take your fork and go around the edges to seal, now place your sandwich in a baggy and place in the freezer, take out 30 minutes before you are ready to eat, or place in your kids lunch box for a much healthier version of the old lunch favorite!

1 comment:

  1. Think about all of the possibilities...try this with other fillings... ham and cheese... My oldest loves Salomi and Cream Cheese!
