Monday, November 23, 2009

Homemade Laundry Detergent

My youngest daughter has severe eczema, due to this we have had to make some changes in our laundry process. We began to look into perfume free, dye free, preservative free detergents, these are usually much more expensive then traditional brands. And having 4 women in our home, we go through a LOT of laundry. I needed to find a solution, and fast! I reached out to some friends, and we came up with a solution, to make my OWN laundry detergent. This will ensure that it is free of dyes, perfumes, and preservatives and I can save lots of money. First of all, I have to thank my friends Angie & Kira for getting me started in making my own detergent! This recipe is a derivative of the one they have been using for a long time!

The recipe is simple and affordable.

2 gallon bucket
1/2 C Borax Powder
1/2 C Washing Soda (not Baking Soda)
1/3 bar of Fels Naptha soap or 1 whole bar of another kind
2 tbl of Liquid glycerin (optional)

Use food processor to shred soap or a box grater if a food processor isn't available. Put aside.

Heat 6 cups of water on the stove. Slowly add soap shreds to heated water, do not let it boil, it wont be pretty! Once dissolved Add 1/2 cup washing soda and 1/2 cup borax. Stir to dissolve. Remove from heat, add Liquid Glycerin if desired, this will result in a creamier consistency.

Pour 4 cups hot water into bucket and add soap mixture. Stir well. Add 1 gallon plus 6 cups water and stir well, wait 30 minutes and stir again.

Let it sit about 20-24 hrs and it will set up. At this point you can either stir and use, or you can use a hand blender and make it into a creamier texture. Use about 1/2 cup per load.

This is great as a pre-treater as well! Happy Washing!

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