Monday, November 23, 2009

Liquid Dishwashing Soap

  1. First, make sure your bottles and cups\spoons are clean and dry and prepare a surface where you can mix everything together. Decide HOW much of the soap you want to make, because that will effect how many bottles you'll want! I'll be describing the recipe here in ratios so that you can make as little or as much as you want.

  2. Step 2

    In a ratio of 1:1, add liquid castile soap to warm water (equal parts). In other words, if you want 2 cups of total liquid, you would add 1 cup warm water to 1 cup of castile soap. n other words, EQUAL parts liquid castile soap and warm water. Stir or shake very well.

  3. Step 3

    Then you'll add 1:4 ratio of white vinegar to your castile soap\water mix. That means if you have 2 cups total of castile soap\water, you would add 1\2 cup of vinegar. If you have 1 cup of castile soap\water mix, you'd add 1/4 cup and so on. In other words, you'd add 25% or 1/4 the amount of vinegar as there is castile soap\water. Shake well.

  4. Step 4

    Then you want to add just a little bit of lemon juice. For every cup of the total mixture made, add 1 tsp of lemon juice. This will help cup grease!

  5. Step 5

    If you desire, add 1 drop essential oil to every cup of total finished liquid. You don't want to add TOO much because it will flavor your dishes! Use something that's good for cleaning power and high quality enough to be food grade. Try orange, lemon, rosemary or tea tree. Shake well.

  6. Step 6

    Label the bottle, making sure to put "SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE" on the directions. You'll only need to use 1TB for light loads or 2TB for heavy. You can put half that amount in the pre cycle dispenser if you wish.

  7. Step 7

    It's a VERY good idea to add vinegar to your dishwasher when using this mixture. Since it's NOT actually a detergent, but a liquid natural soap, it can leave residue. Dump 1/2 cup of white vinegar in the bottom of your dishwasher every time you do a load, or 1/4 for small loads. This will help so that there won't be residue on your dishes, or film, will boost cleaning power, will help to degunk your dishwasher AND you won't have to use a rinse aid!

You can find this recipe and more at

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